Friday, 2 September 2011

Pictorial Rambling

I went on a ramble earlier and took some snaps I thought I'd share:

One of the many reasons I love driving about is finding these spots to pull over and snap a few, here's another of the opposite side :

I took this series with the ever-present Atrix running Gingerbread. I'm not entirely certain if I'm imagining it, but pics seem improved. Mayhap that's the native resolution, though you can judge for yourself. Onward to more shots!

Babbling brook running off the hill to here:

Some interesting pools develop as the tide moves out:

Once in a while, I'll stumble across something that catches my eye in water, like this feather:

Or even this "Still-Life" (lulz):

As somebody who loves the sharp tang of the saltwater, I had to include a shot too :

There are plenty of tributaries running slowly to the Sea `round. The slower running water makes for neat light reflective pictures are something I have always reached for, but never quite gotten right. I am still trying though!!

Snap 1.

Sanp 2.

Snap 3.

Snap 4.

As you can see, they're still nice shots, account for no manual focus, handheld, and leaning over awkwardly to not get into the light.

I've always enjoyed "dappled" light, the ripples light undergoes when reflecting through moving water always have fascinated me:

Reflection 1.

Reflection 2.

Reflection 3.

It was a nie ramble, and I had a great time. Honestly, I have to admit this is likely only half of the actual pictures I took today. Full of great ideas, not so full of the technique to accomplish `em, but that hasn't stopped me from trying!

~ Snap of the day ~

Completely the favorite pic of the day. Still impressed with the camera in this phone. Still snapping lika an amateur. :)