Tuesday 2 August 2011

#Apple #iPhone5 #Mobile #Android

So, I've had Apple iOS and Motorola Android user experience, in addition to Blackberry. (We'll leave Noklia, and symbian/other attempts alone for the moment.)

Device comparison stacks up simply in my opinion:

iPhone = Emminently intuitive. Walled Garden makes non-tech savvy feel comfortable.

Android = Emminently customizable. OS open architecture, catered to power users, tinkerers and hackers..

Blackberry = Corporate clientele. BES environment security, BBM simplicity, Market Innovator and clumsy hardware.

The tale of the tape here seems to be if you're a tech junkie, get a Droid, newbs ought to prefer iPhones, and I think BlackBerry is writing their last gasp, without a complete interface and handset innovation.

Personal $0.02, I hope Research In Motion figures it our in time, before they are forced into the same position Nokia is in, once a bastion of the indusrty, now stagnant, the first Xerox of the mobility wars.

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